Sunday, 25 November 2012

Challenge of the Gobots episode order realigned

It has been a while and my does time fly but I felt I should post again.

This list of episodes was taken from the  Counter-X gobots page and I totally agree with the episode order they've given visit there for more information.
The numbers in brackets are the realigned episode order and the ones next to them are the original airing order numbers.

(01) 1. Battle For Gobotron
(02) 2. Target Earth
(03) 3. Conquest Of Earth
(04) 4. Earth Bound
(05) 5. The Final Conflict
(06) 41. Cy-Kills Escape (Gobotron Saga part 1)  
(07) 42. Quest For The Creator (Gobotron Saga part 2)
(08) 43. The Fall Of Gobotron (Gobotron Saga part 3)
(09) 44. Flight To Earth (Gobotron Saga part 4)
(10) 45. Return To Gobotron (Gobotron Saga part 5)
(11) 8. Time Wars
(12) 7. Renegade Alliance
(13) 17. Genius And Son
(14) 18. Dawn World
(15) 20. Forced Alliance
(16) 21. Invasion From The 21st Level (Part 1)
(17) 22. Invasion From The 21st Level (Part 2)
(18) 11. Lost On Gobotron
(19) 12. Cy-Kill's Shrinking Ray
(20) 13. The Quest For The Rogue-Star
(21) 29. Renegade Rampage (Part 1)
(22) 30. Renegade Rampage (Part 2)
(23) 14. Ultra Zod
(24) 15. Sentinel
(25) 26. Cold Spell
(26) 28. Auto-Matic
(27) 25. Tarnished Image
(28) 31. Search For The Ancient Gobonauts
(29) 32. Gameworld
(30) 33. Wolf In The Fold
(31) 34. Depth Charge
(32) 54. Nova Beam
(33) 35. Transfer Point
(34) 36. Steamer's Defection
(35) 37. The GoBot Who Cried Renegade
(36) 38. The Seer
(37) 39. Whiz Kid
(38) 19. Pacific Overtures
(39) 46. Destroy All Guardians
(40) 47. Escape From Elba
(41) 49. Clutch Of Doom
(42) 50. The Third Column
(43) 51. A New Suit For Leader-1
(44) 52. Renegade Carnival
(45) 53. The Gift
(46) 55. The Last Magic Man
(47) 56. Braxis Gone Bonkers
(48) 57. Inside Job
(49) 48. Fitor To The Finish
(50) 65. Cy-Kill's Cataclysmic Trap
(51) 23. Doppelganger
(52) 10. Trident's Triple Threat
(53) 16. Speed Is Of The Essence
(54) 27. Crime Wave
(55) 24. Scooter Enhanced
(56) 40. Ring Of Fire
(57) 58. Element Of Danger
(58) 6. It's The Thought That Counts
(59) 61. The GoBots That Time Forgot
(60) 63. Guardian Academy
(61) 64. Quest For New Earth
(62) 62. The Secret of Hailey's Comet
(63) 9. Terror In Atlantis
(64) 60. Et Tu Cy-Kill?
(65) 60. Mission Gobotron
Movie; Gobots:Battle of the Rocklords movie

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Psycho Renegade Gobot


Episode Appearance(s): 2

(02) 2. Target Earth & (08) 43. The Fall Of Gobotron

The Renegade that disassembled Leader-1 and laughed his head off doing so...

The first we see of Psycho he is manning a control panel in the Renegade HQ on Gobotron and is the bot Fitor explains there tricky situation to. as he isn't allowed to use Zod(Main) to Stop the constant Guardian bombardment.

However the next and last time we see Psycho he is ordered to be the Renegade that 'disassembles' Leader-1. Which he does followed by a Psychtic laugh but sadly this near deafeat of the Guardian is very short lived because as soon as he's switched the dissassembler on he Blasted my Turbo, Lightfoot and Sparky.
Power Abilities:
Most likely had the ability to fly and the use of fist blasters. Given his alternate form, I think it would be best assumed that he had great speed.
Character speculations and possibilities:
It would've been nice to see more of Psycho like with most under/unused characters in the Gobots. Using his name it would be good to assume that the Psycho isn't the full ticket, I would like to think he would've been the bot that others would go to, to get unspeakable things done.
I think his story would be a bit tragic maybe as a result of an experiment by Dr. Go/Herr Fiend to be the fastest Gobot (lets say on par with Blurr form Transformers) the experiment was a 'success' but with side dire side effects for as fast as he went he would also get more insane.

Friday, 2 January 2009

Crainbrain Renegade Gobot


Appearance(s): 2

(02) 2. Target Earth & (06) 41. Cy-Kills Escape.

Well not much can be said of Crainbrain's screen time.

We first see that he is one of the Renegades that are Guarding there Gobotron city/base. He and Screwhead were the two Renegades called by Fitor to release Zod (Prime). Was this one of Crainbrains jobs to guard and monitor Zod if anything went wrong with his 'cell'?

He must have helped defend the Renegade base as he is not part of Cy-Kills earth bound force, but the battle for the Renegades HQ on Gobotron is ultimately lost to the Guardian assault.

The next time we see Crainbrain he is imprisoned on the 'Prison Moon' following the Renegades defeat at their Gobotron HQ. Crainbrain would then take part in the great jail break as he and Geeper Creeper are seen charging out of their cells by Nick and Scooter whom were monitoring the situation in a different location.

It is not known whether Crainbrain survived his escape attempt or any of the subsequent battles that followed...

Power Abilities:

Most likely had the ability to fly and the use of fist blaster.
Given his alternate form, I think it would be assumed that he had great strength and vast heavy lifting abilities.

Character speculations and possibilities:

What I would’ve liked to of seen is back story with Crainbrain, Spoons, Blockhead, Steamer, Dozer and Dumper as a unit similar to the Constructicons from the Transformers.
Instead of the team being completely bad the war could've split the unit down the middle as one half believed Cy-Kills' doctrine and the other half believed in the way of the Gobotron Council and the Guardians. Steamer being pendulum between the two factions.

This would’ve made for a great episode or two.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Destroyer Renegade Gobot


Episode appearances: 3

(06) 41. Cy-Kills Escape, (10) 45. Return to Gobotron & (21) 29. Renegade Rampage.

Destroyer is a Renegade under Cy-Kill's command in his few appearances we don't find out much about him.
He was a prisoner on the Gobot Prison Moon during the prison break Destroyer took command of both Coptur and Crasher in the prison breakout without even so much as crossed word from either of the other two Renegades. He obtained the weapons packs that granted all the escaped prisoners their weapons and other abilities.
Next we see that Destroyer has somehow obtained a Thruster and is already on earth waiting for what we never find out because Scooter and Smallfoot detect his Thruster in their power suit. He steps out to investigate whom or what has decloaked his Thruster and un afraid by what both Guardians are wearing he then Challenges them but before he's allowed to open fire Scooter uses his power suit telekinetic powers to bring down the mountain Destroyers Thruster is next too, he fall crushing him and putting him out of action. Destroyer would then make one more appearance where he is a part of the assault on Tri-Ceti. Now how he got there could've been by astral beam but why he's there is anyone’s guess maybe Cykill wanted some extra muscle with all the Zod drones , Coptur and Crasher but watching the episode the viewer would get the impression that Destroyer got destroyed when Tri-Ceti blew up. Or the astral beam could've saved him in time!?!?

Power Abilities:
Destroyer has the ability to convert between three different forms Robot, Tank & Battle platform. He is able fire from his turret in all three modes (not seen on screen but it would make sense). As a warrior with a high rank in the Renegade cause it would be best assumed also that he has the standard flight and fist blasters.

Character speculations and possibilities:
Destroyer is an interesting Gobot character as he is one of a very few that can boss around both Coptur and Crasher without so much of a crossed word being uttered as both characters took orders and instructions as though he had some higher importance to him. This has led me to think that he is either a high ranking general or just a very powerful advisory NOT to be messed with.

He was stationed far in advanced of any other renegades on earth during the 'saga of gobotron' again we don't know but why would Cykill send out a lone Renegade if he wasn't able to defend himself on his own but ultimately the power suits were more than match for this highly under used and in my opinion very potential character.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Bugbite Renegade Gobot


Appearance(s): 1

(59) 61. The GoBots That Time Forgot

Bugbite is the lieutenant under Gunnyrs' (also known as the 'Lord High Gobot') level 17 regime, he and Gunnyr are the only Gobots in this level of Gobotron that can convert, use fist Blasters (although not seen in the episode) and Fly due the use of what they call 'scamblers' which blocks the effects of what is also refered to as the Crystal Mountain. Due to his upper hand on this level of Gobotron he manages to defeat both Scooter and Turbo in single combat.

Bugbite and Gunnyr are both eventually defeated and put under arrest and placed into the Gobotron Prison Moon.

Powers and Abilities:
Standard Fist Blasters(although not seen on screen but as he's a warrior its best to assume he does)

Head mounted cannons (not fired on screen but they look like guns of some sort)

Head sensor located behind the head cannons (again no evidence on screen but the aerial isn't seen whilst in vechile mode)

Built in 'Scramblers' to avoid effects of 'Crystal Mountain' enabling him to convert on level 17.

Character speculations and possibilities:
I would've beenn nice to of seen more of Bugbite and Gunnyr in prominent roles adjusting to life under Cy-Kills command.