Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Bugbite Renegade Gobot


Appearance(s): 1

(59) 61. The GoBots That Time Forgot

Bugbite is the lieutenant under Gunnyrs' (also known as the 'Lord High Gobot') level 17 regime, he and Gunnyr are the only Gobots in this level of Gobotron that can convert, use fist Blasters (although not seen in the episode) and Fly due the use of what they call 'scamblers' which blocks the effects of what is also refered to as the Crystal Mountain. Due to his upper hand on this level of Gobotron he manages to defeat both Scooter and Turbo in single combat.

Bugbite and Gunnyr are both eventually defeated and put under arrest and placed into the Gobotron Prison Moon.

Powers and Abilities:
Standard Fist Blasters(although not seen on screen but as he's a warrior its best to assume he does)

Head mounted cannons (not fired on screen but they look like guns of some sort)

Head sensor located behind the head cannons (again no evidence on screen but the aerial isn't seen whilst in vechile mode)

Built in 'Scramblers' to avoid effects of 'Crystal Mountain' enabling him to convert on level 17.

Character speculations and possibilities:
I would've beenn nice to of seen more of Bugbite and Gunnyr in prominent roles adjusting to life under Cy-Kills command.