Sunday, 25 November 2012

Challenge of the Gobots episode order realigned

It has been a while and my does time fly but I felt I should post again.

This list of episodes was taken from the  Counter-X gobots page and I totally agree with the episode order they've given visit there for more information.
The numbers in brackets are the realigned episode order and the ones next to them are the original airing order numbers.

(01) 1. Battle For Gobotron
(02) 2. Target Earth
(03) 3. Conquest Of Earth
(04) 4. Earth Bound
(05) 5. The Final Conflict
(06) 41. Cy-Kills Escape (Gobotron Saga part 1)  
(07) 42. Quest For The Creator (Gobotron Saga part 2)
(08) 43. The Fall Of Gobotron (Gobotron Saga part 3)
(09) 44. Flight To Earth (Gobotron Saga part 4)
(10) 45. Return To Gobotron (Gobotron Saga part 5)
(11) 8. Time Wars
(12) 7. Renegade Alliance
(13) 17. Genius And Son
(14) 18. Dawn World
(15) 20. Forced Alliance
(16) 21. Invasion From The 21st Level (Part 1)
(17) 22. Invasion From The 21st Level (Part 2)
(18) 11. Lost On Gobotron
(19) 12. Cy-Kill's Shrinking Ray
(20) 13. The Quest For The Rogue-Star
(21) 29. Renegade Rampage (Part 1)
(22) 30. Renegade Rampage (Part 2)
(23) 14. Ultra Zod
(24) 15. Sentinel
(25) 26. Cold Spell
(26) 28. Auto-Matic
(27) 25. Tarnished Image
(28) 31. Search For The Ancient Gobonauts
(29) 32. Gameworld
(30) 33. Wolf In The Fold
(31) 34. Depth Charge
(32) 54. Nova Beam
(33) 35. Transfer Point
(34) 36. Steamer's Defection
(35) 37. The GoBot Who Cried Renegade
(36) 38. The Seer
(37) 39. Whiz Kid
(38) 19. Pacific Overtures
(39) 46. Destroy All Guardians
(40) 47. Escape From Elba
(41) 49. Clutch Of Doom
(42) 50. The Third Column
(43) 51. A New Suit For Leader-1
(44) 52. Renegade Carnival
(45) 53. The Gift
(46) 55. The Last Magic Man
(47) 56. Braxis Gone Bonkers
(48) 57. Inside Job
(49) 48. Fitor To The Finish
(50) 65. Cy-Kill's Cataclysmic Trap
(51) 23. Doppelganger
(52) 10. Trident's Triple Threat
(53) 16. Speed Is Of The Essence
(54) 27. Crime Wave
(55) 24. Scooter Enhanced
(56) 40. Ring Of Fire
(57) 58. Element Of Danger
(58) 6. It's The Thought That Counts
(59) 61. The GoBots That Time Forgot
(60) 63. Guardian Academy
(61) 64. Quest For New Earth
(62) 62. The Secret of Hailey's Comet
(63) 9. Terror In Atlantis
(64) 60. Et Tu Cy-Kill?
(65) 60. Mission Gobotron
Movie; Gobots:Battle of the Rocklords movie